Navigators of Progress

Meet the trailblazers behind our mission to navigate towards a brighter future for our community.


The Name

Avon, the location that originally sparked the idea of creating a lasting legacy in Rockford.

Xtreme, because the centerpiece amenities are challenging enough that our kids could create brand new sport competitions at this community entertainment venue.

And most importantly, we are dedicated to communicating with

611 01 and 611 02 initially. 

We want to create dialogue with the people, businesses, parents, and kids that live, work, and play on the western side of this city. This dialogue will eventually expand citywide once we have a handle on controlling our future plans to create our economic powerhouse.

The businesses here are the backbone of our strength, and we can help with that the parents should know what is happening in our schools where their kids attend, and we can help with that, and our kids should have hopes and dreams that emanate from our work and progress, and we can help with that. 

We want to be a driver in all of our community coming together and creating a strong and upwardly mobile community that helps balance Rockford



Tell us what you need.

We will not abandon those needs but rather work to integrate solutions we can all live with, that work together for good.

Finding out what we need, and addressing that, working with other groups that complement our efforts, to create synergy which is for the good of all.

You're responsible part in this.

Our Vision for Rockford's Future

Recognizing the challenge at hand, it's evident that the current value systems of our students have led to limited upward mobility and opportunities for success, regardless of their chosen career path. Many feel confined to a life of mediocrity, and that's a situation we are determined to change.

Our vision revolves around the creation of a community entertainment venue right here in our city, one that serves as an economic focal point, with the promise of becoming a significant player in the highly competitive landscape of theme parks nationwide.

The uniqueness of our plan lies in its core principle: the pairing of selected students with builders and developers. This partnership goes beyond traditional education. Our students will have the opportunity to learn every aspect of development, operation, and the intricate financial pipeline that sustains such a venture. Moreover, this interaction with experienced adults calls for the development of mutually beneficial relationships.

As this project unfolds, our goal is to watch these relationships evolve into a mindset of mutual accountability among all those involved. We believe that this approach will not only empower our students but also foster a sense of shared responsibility.

The main purpose of the significant revenue generated by this venture is clear: to ensure that every eligible student has the opportunity to attend Rockford University's Charles Box Foundation for Business School, with one-year scholarships available, or to secure middle-class job opportunities, where they can serve as mentors to the incoming classes.

Our overarching goal aligns with the city's 12-year plan to transform Rockford by 2025. We aim to achieve this transformation by reshaping the mindset of our students, instilling a positive trend of significant GPA increases, and reducing the need for law enforcement intervention. Through this initiative, we aspire to not only transform our city but also the lives and aspirations of our youth. Together, we're building a brighter future for Rockford.

Contact Us

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We'd love to hear from you. Whether you're interested in our economic empowerment initiatives, our venue services, or you simply want to be part of the positive change we're driving in Rockford, we're here to engage.