Innovative Economic Development Solutions in Rockford

At AvonXtreme (AvonX), based in Rockford, we are more than just a business; we are an economic development powerhouse dedicated to restoring balance in our beloved city. This Program PROMISES Positive Development for ALL who Participate over the next 20 months. Our synergistic approach is designed to create ...

Building a Stronger Rockford Community

At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment: We aim to provide the opportunity for the sophomore students in the District 205 school system to "MAKE BETTER CHOICES", as they navigate the pathways of their lives. This fundamental objective is not just a goal, but a promise.

Our value-added proposition ...

Our Values

Uniting Generations for a Thriving Rockford

What makes us successful are the choices that everyone who works with us makes. There's a special group among them: longtime Rockford residents who have seen the city's problems and still have a strong desire for it to get better. In their hearts, they want more chances for our future leaders, and they talk about how they were able to help their own kids get through graduations. They think about what could have been done differently to make the experience better. People like these know that even though today's youth face the pressures of a society that doesn't seem to value morals, they still hold on to the lessons their parents and grandparents taught them. They are eager to learn how those deeply held values, passed down from generation to generation, can be used in the complicated world of today, when these young people become adults.

Contact Us

Connect for Community Change!

We'd love to hear from you. Whether you're interested in our economic empowerment initiatives, our venue services, or you simply want to be part of the positive change we're driving in Rockford, we're here to engage.